Pennine View

Pennine View is a registered residential home that accommodates up to four young people of both genders with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. The home is situated in the community of Staincross, a semi-rural village positioned between the market town of Barnsley and the city of Wakefield.

Pennine View

Manager: Dawn Jackson

Age of Young People

Pennine View can accommodate young people of any age; however normally they are between 8 and 18 years old. The admission process is robust and includes the completion of a shared living risk assessment which allows the young people’s needs to be carefully matched with co-residents, including age, stage and emotional development to ensure that the placement is in the best interests of both young people.


Pennine View is a large detached house with large rear, side and front gardens ideal for outdoor activities and summer BBQs. The home consists of four private bedrooms for young people, 2 bathrooms with shower & bath, a large lounge and kitchen/diner. There is also a recreation room with computer facilities, arts & crafts materials and books/resources on a wide ranging amount of topics. There are also 2 offices for care staff to use, one of which doubles as a staff sleep room. All shared areas of the home are accessible to young people. In the interest of confidentiality young people do not have access to the staff office

Pennine View has external CCTV which comprises of 2 cameras that monitor the front of the home. Pennine View complies with the Government guidance ‘Surveillance and monitoring in residential childcare settings’ published in October 2019. The CCTV is in place for protection of the home from an external perspective only. The cameras are permanently switched on however only turn to record mode when movement is detected. The CCTV monitoring screens are accessible to staff in the office where there is privacy.

At Pennine View we endeavour to ensure that a warm homely environment is created to inspire young people to feel safe and secure. The daily routine of the home is centred on the young people’s needs. We make every effort to involve young people as much as possible with the decisions around the home for example, we encourage young people to personalise their surroundings by actively participating in choosing decoration and furnishings for the home, putting up photographs and personalising their own room, thus adapting the home to the need of young people.

Children make remarkable progress from their starting points. They are happy and settled. The children’s progress is significant. They attend school full-time, have improved health, and have built positive self-esteem and independence skills. Children respond to the high standard of consistent care that they receive from the long-standing, committed and child-centred staff.

Ofsted, 2022

There is great importance given to building strong relationships between staff and children. Staff recognise that this is essential. This helps children to build trust with their caregivers and, in turn, take on board the advice and guidance that they share with them.

Ofsted, 2022

Excellent educational attendance assists the children with their individual attainment and progression. Staff support children to attend additional lessons in English and mathematics in order to further help their achievements and goals. This ensures that they accomplish the grades required at GCSE and Foundation Level.

Ofsted, 2022

Children engage in everyday social and leisure activities that reflect their age, interests, and hobbies. Children like to spend time with their friends, along with going on structured activities such as youth clubs, girl guides, swimming and free running. These activities help to ensure that children have the same experiences as their peers.

Ofsted, 2022

Children are routinely consulted about things that matter to them in their lives. Staff talk to children daily and listen to them, taking on board their views and wishes. In addition, the children take part in young people’s meetings, and attend their own care reviews, where they give their opinions and suggestions about their care and future plans.

Ofsted, 2022

Children are settled, and they are safe and secure. They respond to the trusting relationships that they have developed with staff. Significant incidents are rare, and when they do occur, immediate action is taken by the staff. The staff are proactive and put protective measures in place to keep children safe.

Ofsted, 2022

Children are very settled in this home. They respond to the consistent rules and boundaries that the staff put in place. Children state that they like time and space to calm when upset, and the staff make sure this happens. The children respond positively to being consulted about how staff should support them. The strategies used by the staff work and help the children to remain settled.

Ofsted, 2022

Our Approach

Consultation with young people is at the heart of all the work we do and the decisions we make about the child’s life are made with their involvement. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment which engages positively with young people and makes every effort to involve the wider system around them to ensure their needs are met.

We work hard to build constructive and warm relationships with young people and have a strong culture surrounding safeguarding issues where staff feel empowered and confident in risk management.

Girl Smiling

Our Homes

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