
Bole is a registered single occupancy home which provides accommodation for one young person with emotional, behavioural and social difficulties. The home creates individual care plans for the young person tailored around their needs at the time of admission to the home.

The front of Bole House on a sunny day

Manager: Dawn Briscoe

Ethos at Bole

The ethos of the home is underpinned by the organisations model of care. The staff team are committed to the young people who live here to ensure that they achieve their full potential. Holistic individualised child focussed packages of care are evolved for the young people in conjunction with NSCAP and all professionals who are involved with the young people. Bole provides a nurturing environment which supports the young people to achieve a sense of permanency.

Age of Young People

Bole can accommodate young people of any age; however normally they are between 8 and 18 years old. The admission process is robust and includes the completion of a referral risk assessment which allows the young person’s needs to be carefully matched with the home and the experience and skills of the staff team, including age, specific needs and stage of emotional development to ensure that the placement is in the best interest of the young person. At Bole, we prefer planned placements as this gives the young person the opportunity to visit the home and meet the staff team. However, we recognise that there may be occasions where emergency placements may be required, and we are sometimes in a position to offer this. This decision would only be made after consideration of the suitability of the young person being referred. It would be expected that a review would take place within 7 working days of the young person’s admission and a planning meeting within 72 hours with an emergency placement. In the case of a planned move a planning meeting should be held within 7 days of the admission and a Review within 4 weeks. This will allow us to ascertain whether this placement is in the best interests of the young person.


Bole is a three bedroom detached house with a small garden at the back of the home, where we have a shed, garden furniture, and a double drive at the front. The ground floor consists of a kitchen, an open plan living room/dining room with patio doors leading to the back garden. Upstairs, there is a private bedroom for the young person, a small sleep in bedroom for the staff and also a larger bedroom that is used as an office and also a staff sleep room.

Bole strives to create and maintain a homely environment for the young people to feel safe and secure. The daily routine of the home is centred around the needs of the young people. This is achieved by encouraging the young people to personalise their surroundings by actively involving them in choosing décor and furnishings for the home and personalising their own bedroom. The young people receive an allowance when they first move into the home so that they can purchase items of their choice to personalise their bedrooms. All shared areas of the home are accessible to young people. In the interest of confidentiality young people do not have access to the staff office.

Staff ensure that all of the children’s educational achievements are recorded and celebrated. This helps children to feel positive about themselves. Children are encouraged by staff to have aspirations for the future.

Ofsted, 2023

Children are encouraged to take part in activities that support their personal interests. One child has played football for several local teams, and another child volunteers at a local animal sanctuary. These opportunities help children to make friends and have fun doing things they like to do.

Ofsted, 2023

The quality of care provided at this home has made a real difference for the child currently living in the home. The staff demonstrate great skill and tenacity in promoting and sustaining the child’s progression, with examples of highly creative and innovative approaches to meeting the child’s needs. The progress that the child has made since living in this home is excellent and life-changing.

Ofsted, 2021

The progress that the child has made in education is remarkable; they have achieved qualifications. One professional said: ‘There is no way that [child’s name] would have got those GCSEs if it was not for the staff at the home.’ This clearly demonstrates that staff work hard to support the child’s education attainment.

Ofsted, 2021

A parent described the relationship with staff as ‘absolutely brilliant’. Staff have actively encouraged and supported family time. This has helped to improve and rebuild the relationship between the child and their family. This excellent partnership working with family has resulted in really positive outcomes in relation to family relationships.

Ofsted, 2021

The progress made by the child has been quite remarkable from a starting point where they were at risk. They have developed in confidence and made some amazing measurable achievements. The impact for the child has been truly lifechanging.

Ofsted, 2021

Behaviour is managed exceptionally well by the manager and staff team. This is because the staff team is very well trained. The manager and staff team can identify any subtle changes in the child’s behaviour, which ensures that the right level of support is quickly identified and put in place.

Ofsted, 2021

Staff have used creative and innovative methods to support children to express their views, wishes and feelings. The work undertaken is exceptional. For example, staff have supported a child to write, perform and record a song as a means of challenging decisions made about their future.

Ofsted, 2021

Our Approach

Consultation with young people is at the heart of all the work we do and the decisions we make about the child’s life are made with their involvement. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment which engages positively with young people and makes every effort to involve the wider system around them to ensure their needs are met.

We work hard to build constructive and warm relationships with young people and have a strong culture surrounding safeguarding issues where staff feel empowered and confident in risk management.

Girl Smiling

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